PAINTINGS by Rolf Rykken
"When She Was Happy," 2002, oil on wood, 27"x27" |


"In the Garden," 2005, gouache and pastel on panel, 16"x20" |

"Dream Image 2," 2005, acrylic and gouache on panel, 20"x16" |

"Young Wife with Kitten Named Pate'," 2005, gouache on canvas, 20" x 16" |

"Dream Image 1," 2004, oil on canvas, 18" x 24" |

"Back When They Were in Love," 2003, oil on board, 24" x24" |

"Wife and Dog II," 1995, monoprint, 27" x 25," private collection. |

"Young Wife Being Silly," 2001, oil on panel, 24" x 18" |

"When She Was Happy II," 2002, gouache on panel, 20" x 16" |

"Washing the Dog," 2002, oil on canvas, 18" x 24," private collection |

"Young Wife in Love," 1998, oil on wood, 24"x24" |